What we can do?

There are ways we can help cut greenhouse gases and help stop global warming. They are very simple things, but can make a different if everyone does them!

1. Re-cycle glass bottles, jars, newspapers and magazines and tin cans. Save them and take them to local re-cycling centres.
2.Re-use plastic shopping bags and envelopes.

3.Put a brick in a plastic bag into your toilet cistern, then the toilet will use less water each time you flush.
4.Use paper on both sides. Try and buy products that don't use much packaging.
5.Give unwanted gifts and clothes to a charity shop.
6.Only fill the kettle up with the amount of water you need to boil that time.
7.Don't leave the TV , video, or computer on standby.
8.If you get lift to school in a car, take your mates along for the ride.
9.Switch lights off when you're not in the room.
10.Get a clockwork mobile phone recharger.
11.Cycle to places!